The Hundred Dresses Part-1 | Class 10 Chapter-6 |Practice Excercise#1

Q1. Who started all the fun with Wanda Petroski –


[A] Peggy
[B] Madeline
[C] Both
[D] None

Option: A

Q2. What is the number of Wanda’s classroom –

[A] Fourteen
[B] Thirteen
[C] Fifteen
[D] Eleven

Option: B

Q3. Where was Wanda live –

[A] Boggins height
[B] Boggins Villa
[C] Boggins Street
[D] None

Option: A

Q4. Who was the most popular girl in the class-

[A] Wanda
[B] Peggy
[C] Maddie
[D] None

Option: B

Q5. Why did Peggy and Moddie often wait for Wanda Petroski –

[A] to accompanied her
[B] Because they are best friends
[C] to have fun with her
[D] None of the above

Option: C

Q6. Which colour of dress did she always wear-

[A] Pink
[B] Faded Blue
[C] Bright Green
[D] Yellow

Option: B

Q7. The little girls play _____________ on the worn hard ground.

[A] Tiptop
[B] Hide & Seek
[C] Hopscotch
[D] All of the above

Option: C

Q8. How many dresses would Wanda say she has-

[A] A Hundred
[B] One dress
[C] Thousand
[D] No dress

Option: D

Q9. Who was Maddie’s inseparable friend-

[A] Wanda
[B] Peggy
[C] Both A & B
[D] None

Option: B

Q10. Why did Maddie feel embarrassed when Peggy made fun Wanda-

[A] Because Maddie himself a poor girl
[B] Because Maddie did not like Peggy
[C] Both A & B
[D] None of the above

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