Glimpses of India – A Baker from Goa | Class 10 Chapter-7 |Practice Excercise#1

A baker from Goa

Q1. “Those eaters of loaves might have vanished but the makers are still there”. Who is ‘Those’ here-

[A] Portuguese
[B] French
[C] Germans
[D] Indians

Option: A

Q2. ‘These bakers are, even today, known as ________ in Goa’.

[A] Baker
[B] Pader
[C] Bread maker
[D] None of these

Option: B

Q3. ‘During our childhood in GOa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and _____________’.

[A] Teacher
[B] Protector
[C] Guide
[D] None of the above

Option: C

Q4. How many times did bakers used to come narrator house-

[A] Once a day
[B] Twice a day
[C] Trice a day
[D] None of the above

Option: B

Q5. For what the author longed for-

[A] Bread loaves
[B] Tingling Thud
[C] Bread bangles
[D] None of the above

Option: C

Q6. What is bread-bangles –

[A] Sweet bread
[B] Bread loaves
[C] Both A and B
[D] None of those

Option: A

Q7. What is the sound of specially made bamboo staff-

[A] Jhing-Jhing
[B] Ching-Ching
[C] Jhang-Jhang
[D] None of the above

Option: C

Q8. “Loaves for the _________ and blangles for the children”

[A] Parents
[B] Grandparents
[C] Elders
[D] None of the above

Option: C

Q9. What is the name of the sweet bread used as a Marriage gift-

[A] Bol
[B] Cake
[C] Bun
[D] All of these

Option: A

Q10. What was the name of the peculiar dress that the baker of those days wore-

[A] Dabai
[B] Cloack
[C] Kabai
[D] None of these

Option: C

Q11. Even today any person with a jackfruit-like physical appearance is easily compared to-

[A] Baker
[B] Pader
[C] Both A and B
[D] None of these

Option: C

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