Difference between similar expressions

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Difference between similar expressions

Who is he? – वह (व्यक्ति) कौन है? / उसका नाम क्या है?
What is he? – उसका पेशा (काम) क्या है?


Who is he?
He is my son.

What is he?
He is a teacher.

Work hard – मेहनत करना / परिश्रम से काम करना
Work hardly – बहुत कम काम करना


Rohit is working hard for his job.
Lazy people work hardly.

English – अंग्रेजी भाषा
The English – अंग्रेज लोग


English is a world language.
The English are famous for their manners in the world.

The eldest son – सबसे पहले जन्म लेने वाला पुत्र
The oldest son – जीवित पुत्रों में सबसे बड़ा


Ram is my eldest son.
Shyam is the oldest of three brothers.

Tell briefly – संक्षेप में बताना
Tell shortly – जल्दी से बताना


Tell your story briefly.
Tell your story shortly.

At no time – कभी नहीं
In no time – बहुत जल्दी


At no time did we ever think ok we were not best
He has completed his homework in time

Come soon – जल्दी आना
Compare quickly – तेजी से


Come soon again.
Come quickly, we are getting late.

Live on grass – घास खाकर जिंदा रहना
Live in grass – घांस के अंदर रहना


The horse lives on grass
Small insects live in glass

The teacher and poet – एक व्यक्ति teacher और poet दोनों ही है
The teacher and the poet – दो व्यक्ति एक teacher और दूसरा poet


The teacher and poet is coming
The teacher and the poet are coming

In an hour – एक घंटा समाप्त होने तक
Within an hour – एक घंटा समाप्त होने से पहले/1 घंटे के अंदर (दौरान)


He came in an hour.
Done your homework within an hour.

Work in hand – जो काम वर्तमान में हाथ में हैं।
Work on hand – जो कार्य अभी पूरा होना बाकी है।


I have two works in hand.
She is cooking food, her work on hand.

Go to sea – समुंद्री नौकरी करने के लिए जाना।
Go to the sea – समुद्री यात्रा करने या घूमने जाना।


His only son goes to sea.
Next year we will go to the sea.

Come late – देर से आना।
Come lately – अभी हाल ही में आना।


Why do you come late to the party?
Sujain come lately in the city.

Go direct – किसी स्थान को सीधे जाना।
Go directly – किसी जगह अभी जाना।


Go direct and you will reach Circuit House.
Go directly to Rome.

To search somebody – किसी की तलाशी लेना।
To search for somebody – किसी की तलाश करना।


Police search the suspected.
Police search for the thief.

Believe someone – किसी की बात में विश्वास करना।
Believe in someone – किसी व्यक्ति की इमानदारी में विश्वास करना।


I believe him.
I believe in my faith.

Meet a man – किसी आदमी से मिलना।
Meet with a man – किसी से अचानक मिलना।


I meet my family yesterday.
When I was going to the market I met my old friend.

Well – अच्छा स्वास्थ्य।
Well off – अच्छी आर्थिक स्थिति।


After a long illness, he is well now.
She has well off family.

Take heart – हिम्मत जुटाना।
Take to heart – दिल की गहराई से महसूस करना।


It takes heart to speak before the principal.
Don’t take everyone’s comments to heart.

At a loss – असमंजस में होना।
In a loss – हानि होना।


In bad situations, people are generally at a loss.
This deal in a loss.

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