
Sound mind belongs to sound body. Education means the development of body-mind and soul. For the development of sound body we have to do some physical exercises, Games give us chance for many physical exercises at a time. In school we play games. I play football, volleyball, crick kabbad, kho-kho and hockey in school.

Name of the Game

I am much interested in games. Generally, I play football, hockey, cricket and kabaddi, But I like kabaddi very much. It is my favourite game.

How it is Played

Kabaddi is an Indian game. It is played in the open field. The game is played by two teams. The teams can have any number of players. Sometimes twenty players play. But it can be played even by two players.

The Field

Kabaddi is played on a field. The field is divided into two parts by drawing a straight line in the middle. This line is called Pala. It is the deciding factor in the game.

The Game

There is a referee. He asks the players to be ready. Spectators sit silently around the field. A player goes to the other side. After crossing the Pala, he cries kabaddi-kabaddi. He tries to touch the players of the opposite team. The players of the opposite team try to catch him. After that a player of the opposite team takes his chance. He also says ‘kabaddi-kabaddi this way the game goes on.

Scoring Points

If a player of the team touches a player of the opposite team while saying “kabaddi-kabaddi, he wins a point. Sometimes the player saying “kabaddi kabaddi’ is caught by the players of the opposite team. Then he loses one point. The team scoring more points in prescribed time wins the game.

Reason for My Choice

There are many reasons for my choice. Kabaddi is an Indian game. It is very cheap. There is no trouble in preparing the field. It makes us disciplined. It fills team spirit in us. It teaches us the spirit of co-operation. It makes us healthy and strong. It is amusing. exciting and full of interest. Players and visitors both take pleasure in the game.


Playing games is good for health. It increases the spirit of love and cooperation. Exact judgment is learned by playing games. One should play the game according to his liking.

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