Introduction NEWS – North East, West, South Means the description of happenings from all directions. Newspaper is the collection of recent happenings of the district, state, nation and other countries of the world. In the morning the tea becomes tasteless if the newspaper is not found. Thus the newspaper tells us about the present situation … Read more


Introduction India is a democratic country. Its government is run by the persons who are elected by the people. They become the representatives of the people, They have to seek elections for the Lok Sabha or for the State Assemblies. After every five years there are elections. These elections are fought by the political parties. … Read more

Essay – Importance of forest

Importance of forest Forests are green gold of a country. It is important for human being as well as birds, insects and animals. Forest gives us oxygen. It is the habitat of birds and wild animals. It provide raw material for our factories. it attract rain. It control flood and and soil erosion. Thus forests … Read more


Introduction “An Indian farmer is born in debt, lives in debt and dies in debt.” India is a land of villages. Eighty percent of its population lives in villages. The main occupation of the villagers is agriculture or farming. They are called farmers. The lndian farmers live in huts which are made of mud and … Read more


Introduction “Early to bed. and early to rise, Makes a man, Healthy, wealthy and wise.” This famous rhyme tells us the importance of early rising and morning walk. It is true that a morning walk is a best and costless exercise. It is useful for everyone. After enjoyable sleep, at night we get up early … Read more

Essay – Water Conservation

“Jal hai to kal hai” “water is elixir” All above lines are true about water. Without water life cannot be imagined. Water is important for everyone. Animals and plants also need water. water is an essential part of life. Without food, we can leave for some time but without water, we cannot survive for long. … Read more

Essay on Pollution

When our environment becomes dirty it is called pollution. Types of pollutions Mainly pollution are of three types Air pollution Water pollution Noise pollution Air pollution Dirty smoke from vehicles, factories, etc pollutes the air. This dusty air polluted our environment. It causes disease. Water pollution Wastage of factories, drainage fluid in water pollutes that … Read more

Essay – Indian Farmer

Our country India is called the country of villages. Farmer is the soul of our country. He does very hard work and grows crops for us. He is the main part of our country’s economy. But the condition of farmers is not so good in our country. He lives a very poor life. His harvesting … Read more